Captain Gino | The Four Best Personalities For Sailing: What’s Yours?
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The Four Best Personalities For Sailing: What’s Yours?

The Four Best Personalities For Sailing: What’s Yours?

What are the best personalities for sailing? Well, not all sailors are created equal. Or are they? Some sailors are calm, cool and collected. Others thrive off a challenge. Finally, some sailors (like me) are born adventurers. Either way you love to sail and likely have a personality type that lends a hand at sea. So what qualities make a good sailor? Well, there really is no best personalities for sailing. With that said, there are definitely traits that may help a sailor flourish while navigating the sea.
As you know, I am an avid sailor. I have met a few sailors during my travels. For this reason, I have seen more or less what makes a sailor unique in their ability to really hustle on the water. Curious? Then jump on board. Below I have put together four personalities that make for an excellent sailor.

The Thrill Seeker/Adventurer

Some say the best sailor knows how to hold their rum while holding the wheel. In other words, this personality type will let loose and have a damn good time. Furthermore, after a few drinks they will still be completely in control of their ship. That’s right. The Thrill-Seeker/Adventurer is a sailor who isn’t afraid to take risks. At the same time, this personality type always knows exactly where they are on the map. Whether it be their partner or their kids, family is also usually particularly important to the Adventurer type. Moreover, the Adventurer type wants nothing more then to show their mates a good time . Without a doubt, the ocean is their jungle gym. For the Adventurer type, there are no limits to living life to its fullest and helping others do the same.

The skipper of a yacht takes the wheel

The Cool Guy (or Girl!)

This sailing personality type is pretty much the opposite of the thrill seeker. The difference that no matter what happens on board, the Cool Guy personality remains calm, cool and collected. The Cool Guy personality type is laid back, but keeps a tight watch on their boat. Meaning, they know exactly what’s on board. They know how much water is in the tank, how much food there is to snack on. how many flashlights are on board. Moreover, they have made a thorough checklist before launching. They have also checked the engine, the bilge for leaks, and inspected all electrical connections. The Cool Guy sailor is one of the best personalities for sailing, because they are super calm under stress. If you have a cool guy as a captain, it is a guarantee that you will be taken care of.

The Independent

While the adventurer often values their family, the Independent personality type wants nothing more than freedom. That is to say, the Independent type wants nothing to do with anchoring down, except when it relates to their boat. And, even then you won’t find them hanging out at a marina for too long before cruising on to their next destination. The independent likes to be free from responsibility. They are often incredibly resourceful. It is not uncommon for this type of sailor to believe that a crew is not necessary. Usually a “jack of all trades type”, the Independent can fix almost anything on board. If a line snaps, there is no need to sweat. The Independent personality type, knows how to repair it. At the end of the day, the Independent personality types will face a ravenous storm with composure. For this reason, Independents are some of the most ingenious sailors around the world and one of the best personalities for sailing.

The Introvert/Soul-Searcher

Believe it or not, some of the best personalities for sailors are introverts. The Introverted personality type is low-key and composed. Pretty much the opposite to Johnny Depp’s portrayal of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. In other words, you definitely won’t find this sailor throwing back a bottle of rum. It’s not that they don’t like to have a good time however. For the introvert, a good time involves sipping on their cocktail, reading a good novel, and watching the stars. And even though they are introverts, they actually enjoy company. They love inviting a few close friends on board. Furthermore, introverts, are definitely not shy when it comes to showing off. The Introvert loves a little bit of classy elegance. It is not uncommon for them to have an exquisite interior design. Coincidentally, they love hosting intimate gatherings to show off their thoughtful design in the boat saloon and cabins.
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